Centro Laudato Si

The Borgo

The beauty of the gardens of the Pontifical Villas becomes the natural setting for the development of a place of education for integral ecology, open to all people of good will. Pope Francis, by creating the Borgo Laudato Si’ in his residence at Castel Gandolfo, wanted to give a concrete sign of the applicability of the principles illustrated in the Encyclical «Laudato Si’». The project is developed along three main lines: education for integral ecology, circular and generative economy, and environmental sustainability.

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The Borgo's Grammar

The 30 words that constitute the Grammar of the Borgo are milestones in a journey inspired by the Laudato Si’ Encyclical. This journey unveils a new narrative of caring for Creation and fostering human dignity within the Gardens of the Pontifical Villas of Castel Gandolfo.

The Trees

Walking through Borgo Laudato Si’ reveals over 4,000 plants from 300 different botanical species. The symbolic trees of Borgo Laudato Si’ serve as guides in the discovery of an invaluable heritage of knowledge to be shared.

People visiting the Borgo Laudato Si’ have a chance to experience at once centuries of history, unique natural wonders and immersion into integral ecology. In fact, full-immersion tour is provided, to give visitors an opportunity to get to know the principles of the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’, experiencing first-hand their application in the local territory, thus gaining an existential awareness that might foster in them a real ecological conversion.


Centro di Alta Formazione

«The care of the ‘common home’ is a responsibility we take on towards our neighbor and at the same time a way to recognize the infinite beauty of God and contemplate the mystery of the universe. So that in each person the desire to contribute to fulfilling this duty may awaken, with the Encyclical ‘Laudato si” [LS] I recalled the example of Saint Francis, who showed particular respect for God’s creative work, considering it inseparable from the attention towards the least and the abandoned (cf. LS, 10).» (Chirograph of February 2, 2023)