Centro Laudato Si

About Us

The Laudato si’ Higher Education Center

On 2 February 2023 the Holy Father established the Laudato si’ Higher Education Center, «a scientific, educational and social activity body, pertaining to the Governorate of the Vatican City State and endowed with its own patrimonial, technical, administrative and accounting autonomy, which works for the integral formation of the person in the context of the sustainable economy and in compliance with the principles of the Encyclical “Laudato Si’”» (Statute of the Centro di Alta Formazione Laudato si’). Pope Francis has entrusted it with the task of promoting and implementing initiatives for the «integral formation of the person, with particular regard to young people and those who, for economic and social reasons, find themselves on the margins of society »*.

The Center is responsible for taking care of education, the economy of sustainability and ecological training inspired by the principles of the Encyclical “Laudato si'” also through the development and implementation of specific service projects for the global development of the person. Furthermore, the Center is entrusted with «the organization of events, conferences, seminars on particular themes and study weeks on the themes of integral human development»*. Finally, within the scope of its mandate, the Center is called upon to develop and disseminate its own publications.

On 2 February 2023, the Holy Father entrusted the Laudato si’ Higher Education Center with the development and execution of the “Borgo Laudato sì” project at his residence in Castel Gandolfo. The main objective of this project is to transform the beauty of the gardens of Villa Barberini and the Pontifical Villas into a place of training in integral ecology, open to all people of good will.

* Statute

Board of Directors